Alikes Kitrous via the eyes of a local - Writen by Maryam Fauzi


Of all the seasons for me Summer is the beginning as I look forward to be in Alikes Kitros. From the backdrop of the majestic Olympus mountain, with all eyes could see wetland until the landmark of the salt hill near the sea is where the mud bath will be. A great temperature in the middle of June for the mud bath with the size of football fields on each side lays rejuvenating effects for the ultimate must dip. Its salt concentration makes one almost floats if not totally. There are few posts nearby the banks that get connected to ropes allowing 'floaters' to be in place, not adrift. Less well known little piece of heaven enjoyed by new and seasoned visitors, elderly, youngster from near and far.

I could then choose to call it a day, or continue on exploring the seaside with picturesque sand grass and sea grass in the sea that build ecosystem for various fishes and other marine creatures. The delta and wetland are so secluded that if we are lucky enough flock of flamingos fly overhead. Birdwatchers would sometimes camp at the areas that are open for all seasons. Plus with its great history there are intriguing architecture of abandoned buildings of old salt manufacture along the fields of sunflowers and cottons so beautiful for a photograph.

Natura 2000 really protects the place as some areas are non-trespassing for various birds species to nest. There are also beach cleanup organizing events involving various government and nongovernmental bodies to take part ensuring its idyllic condition free from litters and garbage in the areas where mostly affected. It gains more momentum in the recent years with the collaboration amplifying the importance of marine and all wildlife from the plastic pollutions.

"The impressive flamingos seem to prefer the Alyki Kitrous lagoon, thanks to its ideal depth, which does not exceed 1.5 m., and which thus renders it ideal for feeding, and because of the absence of human disturbance/activity. Here, they seek their favorite food, the small Artemia shrimp, thanks to which they acquire their intense pink plumage. Flamingos are present all year long at the Alyki Kitrous lagoon, but especially in the winter, one can see them by the hundreds. In order to reproduce they travel to France, Spain, Turkey and in other countries of the Mediterranean. In the early 2000’s an attempt was undertaken to create a colony, with nests and laying in the lagoon, but the colony was abandoned for unknown reasons."

Official website:

Take a look at our video for world ocean day with videography from Alykes Kitrous here

Η Μάριαμ είναι ένα πλάσμα που κατάγεται από τη Μαλαισία και ζει στη Κατερινή. Γνωριστήκαμε σε ένα πρόγραμμα Erasmus + με θέμα τη προστασία των δασών. Έχει έντονη οικολογική συνείδηση και είναι περιβαλλοντικά ευαισθητοποιημένη. Θέλοντας να γράψει μερικά λόγια για μία από τις περιοχές Natura της χώρας μας, φιλοξενούμε ένα δικό της κείμενο στο blog και την ευχαριστούμε πολύ . 
